Start by letting us know how you'd like to become a member.
The QCHCA extends a big welcome to residents
Please take a minute to join your community association or renew your existing membership.
QCHCA is 100 percent volunteer run. Through our meetings, website and Facebook we keep you informed and engaged. We provide many opportunities for you to meet other residents and participate in meetings and social events. We act as your representative on municipal matters impacting your neighbourhood.
Membership fees are used to support the services we provide to the community and important initiatives by other community organizations. A membership is $10.00 per person per calendar year.
There are two means to join us:
ONLINE - you fill out an online form and payment is made via Credit Card or PayPal.
OFFLINE - print a downloadable membership form that you can mail to us with your cheque at the address below. You can also return your membership form and payment at QCHCA general meetings. To find out when the next general meeting being held, Click Here.
Students can join by either means at no charge.