Want to be a part of creating a vibrant, dynamic and sustainable community?
Whatever your skills, interests and availability there are many ways for you to get involved with QCHCA or with many other community organizations in our area.

QCHCA Public Meetings with Speakers
We are delighted to invite you to join us on the 4th Tuesday of alternate months (September, November, January, March and May) in the Seniors Wing of the Rec Centre from 7 - 9 pm when we host a variety of knowledgeable speakers at our fun and informative meetings. Past topics have included community issues, the natural environment, emergency preparedness and even ways to improve personal health and wellness. To find out more or to join our eblast list, email us at qchca3003@gmail.com

QCHCA Board Meetings
All community members are welcome to attend our monthly meetings. These are held at Cedar Hill Recreation Centre on the 4th Tuesday of the month from 7 - 9 pm in the Arts wing (reception will let you know which room). Find out what is happening in your community association, the issues that affect your neighbourhood and how your association is at work in the community.

Board of Directors
Want to join our Board of Directors?
If you are interested in becoming a QCHCA board member we invite you to submit an outline of your skills, abilities and interests to the President of the association. Previous experience serving on a board of directors is helpful but not required: email qchca3003@gmail.com

Photography and Website
Are you a keen photographer? Do you love capturing a glorious sunset, people enjoying a community event or nature through the seasons? We would love to showcase your photographs as part of QCHCA's online community presence. We are fortunate to have some wonderful photographs provided by Chrisa Hotchkiss and other QCHCA members. To keep our website up-to-date, we would love your help in building an inventory of photos of people, architecture, nature and events in our great community. For more information please email: Editor@

Community Action Groups
We understand that many members of the community are busy and may not always be able to commit to regular meetings, but would still like to be involved. We have established several Community Action Groups that will address specific areas of interest. One of these is Development and Land Use. It will focus on how we engage with community, developers, Saanich Planning and Council with respect to specific proposals, our Local Area Plan and land use issues and concerns. Going forward we would like to create additional groups such as those focused on the environment, traffic and infrastructure. For more information email qchca3003@gmail.com
Community Organizations
Our neighbourhood has some wonderful community groups and parks that are always pleased to have some support from volunteers. Whether you are looking for a board to join, or some hands on practical work, these groups would love to hear from you.

Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary
Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary is a unique site in Saanich, a paradise for walkers, birders and nature lovers. The Sanctuary promotes community awareness with nature talks for various ages, provides ongoing habitat restoration by hardworking volunteers, and has a hugely popular spring plant sale to provide much need funds for the organization. For more information please check their website: https://www.swanlake.bc.ca/

Friends of Cedar Hill Park
Do you enjoy working in nature and being outdoors? The Friends of Cedar Hill Park have volunteered to preserve and restore the natural areas of the Park since 2006.
Located at the border between Victoria and Saanich, Cedar Hill Park is one of Saanich’s largest public parks. Home to Cedar Hill Golf Course, it is a beautiful natural area with many indigenous species of plants, birds and animals; large copses of Garry Oak; Kings Pond and Bowker Creek.
Please join us! We work every Monday morning from 9 am to noon to remove invasive species and plant indigenous shrubs and trees in collaboration with Saanich Parks’ Pulling Together Program. In the fall and spring we host work parties at Bowker Creek and Kings Pond. For more information, please check their website: http://www.friendsofcedarhillpark.com

Saanich Volunteer Services
Saanich Volunteer Services Society (SVSS) supports and promotes the wellbeing of Saanich residents through coordinated volunteer services and connections to community resources from its office at McRae House in Cedar Hill Park. For over 27 years, Saanich Volunteers have fostered and supported a truly unique and genuine community of neighbours helping neighbours, providing the following to seniors and disabled residents of Saanich:
- supportive transportation - giving clients a ride to a variety of medical and non-medical appointments
- companion visits
- help with gardening and yard work and minor home repairs
- shopping assistance
- delivering food hampers, completing income tax returns and many other activities associated with living independently in one's own home.
We support our seniors to age actively, enjoy good health and remain independent and involved in the community. Learn more about how to access the above services or to become a volunteer.