QCHCA Social 2019

Dear Residents of Quadra Cedar Hill,
A belated Happy New year and an enthusiastic welcome to QCHCA’s new website, completely rebuilt through the volunteer effort of a Board and community member team. We believe this investment of time and energy has resulted in better access for you to news, events, opportunities for involvement, easier membership options and more. Most of all, we hope you will find enticing opportunities for greater engagement with the Association, the neighbourhood and with each other.
A new website was a top priority for us due to increasing publication costs and delivery challenges with the Community Roots newsletter. We believe the new website, along with QCHCA’s Facebook, will provide a better and more timely source of community-related information. We welcome your comments, ideas and contributions, including photographs. Please email our editor: Editor@qchca.org
Your Association continues to be very active, thanks to its dedicated Board of Directors and committee members. Through their efforts, we have been able to:
- represent you and the neighbourhood when speaking or meeting with Saanich and developers on an increasing number of development applications, large and small. These include Abstract’s proposal for a 78 unit development on Quadra at Palmer; Wesbild’s proposal for redevelopment of the University Heights shopping mall; and the Nigel Valley redevelopment;
- maintain a vibrant Facebook page and completely redevelop our website and update the content;
- collaborate with Saanich to host two Music in the Park events at Rutledge;
- host five QCHCA general meetings with interesting speakers on a range of topics; engage with Saanich Parks on the management plan for Cedar Hill Park and with other community organizations including the Swan Lake Foundation, UVic, the Bowker Creek Initiative, Saanich Community Association Network and numerous volunteer organizations.
Our community is as it is because of those who've gone before us and we owe them a debt of gratitude. We rely on membership fees and continued volunteer support to sustain a vibrant, beautiful, engaged, peaceful and welcoming community for all. Your engagement with, and support of, your Association is key to creating and sustaining the kind of neighbourhood we want, now and into the future. Join us!
Happy 2020!
Susan Haddon
QCHCA President