QCHCA's boundaries are:
North - Mckenzie Ave.
South - Tolmie Ave.
East - Cedar Hill Rd.
West - Pat Bay Highway 17
The association's neighbourhood is divided into nine areas, each with its own Area Representatives.
Click here for a list of our Area Representatives
Be Part of our Good Neighbour Program
Good Neighbours Create Great Communities
Quadra Cedar Hill is a diverse community with many excellent amenities that make it a desirable and much loved neighbourhood for all ages. Inevitably from time to time residents will experience issues that are challenging. Loud noise and partying, untidy property, overflowing garbage bins, poor parking and blocked driveways can all diminish our pleasure in where we live. In some instances these actions can be a health hazard by encouraging pests such as rodents, or causing an accident by blocking a driveway.
Quadra Cedar Hill Community Association encourages everyone to be considerate of others and understand the municipal regulations that help to make our neighbourhood a safe, clean and pleasant environment for all. Wherever possible, it is always best to try to resolve problems between neighbours by approaching the person directly and raising the issue as soon as possible. That way problems can be resolved before they get out of hand.
Our Community:
Do remember that bylaw enforcement is complaint driven. Some properties are "good neighbours" even though they bend the rules. If there are no problems, consider "letting sleeping dogs lie".
To the extent possible, homeowners - if comfortable - should attempt to deal with the owner of an offending property. No one likes surprises and a low key, problem solving approach is the best bet. If it doesn't or likely won't work, there are other options that should be exercised.
At the end of the day, the goal is a pleasant and liveable community. Doing nothing about a problem works strongly against this objective. Unfortunately sometimes filing a complaint is necessary.
Filing a Complaint and Confidentiality
Complaints can be made by e-mail or letter and must list the names and contact information for any complainant. More than one complainant will be helpful and can be either property owners or renters. They must meet any rules concerning proximity to the complained-of property.
Very importantly, complainants' names and other information are confidential and are never released by the Police or Bylaw Office.
With the exception of noise and vicious animal complaints which are Police matters, complaints can be referred to the Saanich Bylaw Enforcement Office. Their telephone number and e-mail are 250 475-5456 and bylaw@saanich.ca. Staff is very helpful with answering questions and providing process advice.
The Police line is 250 475-4321 or 911 for serious emergencies.
The following information may be helpful
Noise Control
Everyone is entitled to the "quiet enjoyment" of their home. If enjoyment extends to loud music, rowdiness, yelling or partying that disturbs the neighbourhood, a complaint can be called in to Saanich Police at 250 475- 4321.
The preconditions are that there must be at least two complainants. Technically, they should be living within 100 meters of the problem property. However, anyone in the community can call. Calling early is encouraged.
If the Police attend a property twice within 24 hours because of noise, Police will issue a fine of up to $500. Subsequent fines for repeat offenses can be up to $1000 and offenders can even face criminal charges such as "mischief". Other noise complaints for equipment operation, barking dogs, construction noise, etc. can be referred to either to the Bylaw Office - during office hours - or the Police anytime. Again, two independent complainants are required.
Garbage and Trash
Garbage must be properly disposed of in garbage bins or blue boxes. Both garbage bins and blue boxes should be put out only on pick-up days or the evening before. Owners can purchase garbage tickets for extra garbage pickup.
Grass cutting and routine yard maintenance including the removal of unsightly bushes, weeds and vegetation - while often assigned by owners to the occupants - remain the responsibility of the owner.
A complaint can be made by telephone or e-mail to the Bylaw Office. Photographs are helpful. A single complaint is sufficient from a neighbour living within 100 yards of the offending property. Additional complainants will help to support the complaint. An inspector will investigate a complaint by a visit followed by a letter to the owner. The letter will require garbage to be removed within five days. Failing that, the municipality will remove it and charge the homeowner.
Street Parking
Parking issues are about more than inconvenience, they can be a traffic hazard and cause accidents. Too many cars parked along streets are a hazard for children playing in the area and for pedestrians crossing the road. For this reason there are a number of bylaws to address safe street parking.
Except for larger vehicles over 4000 kg being parked overnight, on-street parking is unrestricted on municipal streets.
Each property is required to provide two off- street spaces for their inhabitants.
Homes with secondary suites should provide one additional off-street parking space.
It is reasonable that residents use those spaces before parking on the street - particularly in front of others' properties.
On-street vehicles cannot be parked within 1.5 meters of a driveway to allow safe entry and exit by a homeowner.
Illegal Occupancy
With rental properties so scarce in Victoria, it is tempting for some people to allow illegal occupancy at their property. Realtors will sometimes advertise a home as having multiple bedrooms. Saanich bylaws permit rental for up to four unrelated persons in a single-family house. However in this situation, a secondary suite is not permitted.
The bylaw also permits rental in a house with a secondary suite provided the owner lives in the property. Unfortunately this is frequently not the case and can be reported.
The Bylaw Office will investigate a complaint concerning occupancy upon receipt of two independent complaints by individuals residing within 100 meters of the complained-of property.
An inspector will investigate a complaint by a visit followed by a letter. If more than four reside, the last to arrive must move out within a calendar month.
Relevant Bylaws
The District of Saanich has bylaws and other regulations that are viewable on the District website. For the precise legal language, please refer to: